

Scoliosis is an “S” or “C” shaped curvature of the spine sometimes with pain and sometimes without. For those patients with pain, a number of treatment options are available.


A definitive cause of scoliosis has yet to be identified. Some researchers have suggested genetics play a part while some conditions are caused by neuromuscular conditions that begin in the brain, muscles, or in the spinal cord. Others may be caused by a birth defect or some kind of spinal injury or even poor posture.


In more severe cases lung function may be impacted or the patient may have severe back pain. Patients with milder cases may not experience any symptoms at all and the curve in the spine may go undetected. As scoliosis progresses, and the body changes the patient's posture will change, causing uneven shoulders or hips. Sometimes, the curve becomes even more pronounced and one shoulder blade will stick out more prominently than the other.


An orthopedic or spinal brace may be in order to slow the progression of the worsening curvature. But initially, the physician will want to monitor the progression of the curvature in the spine, especially in adolescents. The Spine & Pain Center can prescribe a variety of treatment plans to address pain and try to limit further damage to the body. Methods include steroid injections to relieve painful inflammation; medication to help manage pain; alternative therapies to complement back pain treatment, and more.